IST Saturday News Dump–18May24

Another marvelous weekend begins and as per my tradition I will write about the news that slipped through the cracks because of the Trump trial (yawn) or the carnage in Gaza or Biden doing the stupid two step trying to walk the line between being the president of the US or a pawn for some other shit hole country.

My first tomatoes are in and they are delicious….the rest of the garden has taken a hit in the passing storms this Spring….oh well better luck in the Fall.

Let’s get to it, shall we?

I enjoy a glass of wine from time to time…..not a big fan of California wine but some of it is passable…..there is some bad news for the industry….

The San Francisco Chronicle is out with a bleak story about the future of the once-flourishing wine industry in California. The boom times, it appears, are over. “A lot of brands are dead but they don’t even know it right now,” says Michael Honig of Honig Vineyard & Winery in Napa Valley, echoing a sentiment repeated throughout the story by Esther Mobley. She writes that “no sector is immune—not the luxury tier, not the big conglomerates, not the upstart natural wines.” For example, Sonoma’s Bedrock Wine Co. is down 10% in sales this year—the first time it’s registered a dip of any kind in 17 years. The story makes clear that its plight is not unique within the state’s $55 billion industry, and it’s a safe bet some wineries will go under. California vintners are feeling the same pain as peers around the world, the story notes, with wine consumption down about 9% in 2023.

“The industry’s had the wind at our back for a long time,” says Jeff O’Neill of O’Neill Vintners and Distillers. “And finally the music has stopped.” The story explores the stew of factors at play, including younger people shifting to beverages such as hard seltzers and a pushback in the medical community against the idea that wine is healthy. The pandemic also complicated things: Sales spiked, prompting hopeful wineries in California to increase production. But that spike has since reversed (“pantry loading” is the culprit here), leaving wineries stuck with unsold cases of wine. Except for the brief pandemic blip, this downward trend has been in place for several years, but things are finally coming to a head, writes Mobley. “It’s become clear in 2024 that the nature of the California wine industry has fundamentally changed.”

Read the full story.

The problem is the young have to have flavored drinks like Hard Ice Tea or lemonade…..stupid stuff like that and the wine industry suffers from the fads of the young.

I have never understood the fad of trying to eat something so spicy that you go into shock…..why?

This story is about one of these crazies…..

It was indeed a high level of the chemical found in spicy chili peppers that killed a 14-year-old Massachusetts boy last year, the state’s medical examiner found. Harris Wolobah ate an ultra-spicy chip branded as the “One Chip Challenge,” made by the company Paqui, at school in September and lost consciousness hours later at home after complaining his stomach hurt. He never recovered. The autopsy, which was completed in February but is only just now making headlines, found that the teen’s cause of death was cardiopulmonary arrest “in the setting of recent ingestion of a food substance with high capsaicin concentration,” according to a spokesperson for the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, the Washington Post reports

The autopsy could not confirm the origin of the capsaicin, but the chips (which were discontinued after Wolobah’s death) were made from some of the world’s hottest chili peppers. The autopsy also found Wolobah had an enlarged heart and a congenital heart defect. His family says they didn’t know about the conditions when Wolobah died, and People, citing the NIH, reports that is not uncommon with enlargement of the heart. Paqui says in a statement that its product was not intended for children or people with underlying health conditions.

Another example of ‘you can’t fix stupid’.

Health experts have been bitching about our addiction to processed food….well here is more bad news….

A diet high in ultraprocessed foods has been linked to cancer, weight gain, and now early death. A new 30-year study of 115,000 people found those who consumed the most ultraprocessed foods (UPFs)—including frozen meals, processed meat like hot dogs, potato chips, sugary breakfast cereals, and artificially sweetened beverages—had a slightly higher risk of early death than those who consumed the least. Researchers found no increased risk of cancer or cardiovascular disease. But participants who consumed an average of seven or more daily servings of UPFs had 4% higher risk of “total deaths” than those who consumed three servings per day on average, and a 9% higher risk of “other deaths,” including an 8% higher risk of death from neurodegenerative diseases, per Global News.

“The association is quite linear. The higher intake of ultraprocessed foods, the higher mortality,” says Harvard researcher Dr. Mingyang Song, lead author of the study published Wednesday in the British Medical Journal. These foods are usually highly manipulated and contain preservatives, emulsifiers, sweeteners, and other additives, but little to no fiber, vitamins, or minerals. They also “account for more than 60% of daily calories in Americans,” Song tells the Washington Post. But some ultraprocessed foods are better than others. Packaged whole-grain bread might be beneficial, according to an editorial accompanying the study. White bread, processed meats, potato chips, ice cream and sweetened beverages, on the other hand, have a strong association with higher mortality.

Previous studies have linked UPFs to various health risks, including early death. But some of these were based on small sample sizes tracked over relatively short periods. This study tracked 75,000 female registered nurses from 11 states from 1984 to 2018 and 40,000 male doctors and health professionals from all 50 states from 1986 to 2018, recording data on their health, lifestyle, and eating habits. The observational study doesn’t make conclusions about cause and effect, and researchers note people who consume high amounts of UPFs often have other unhealthy habits. But the takeaway is that certain types of UPFs should be restricted. “If a person consumes a generally healthy diet and has some amount of ultraprocessed food, [that] wouldn’t be too terrible,” Song says, per Global News.

This will fall on deaf ears for it is too easy to eat this sh*t at the game console.

This is a great food story…..examples of idiots wasting time….

On May 7, Governor Kay Ivey signed a law making it illegal to manufacture, sell, or distribute cell-cultivated meat in Alabama. Earlier this month, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida signed a similar one. These moves should still give all of us a reason to be angry. 

Cell-cultivated meat is meat that’s grown from a culture of cells, meaning it doesn’t require the raising or slaughter of animals. It’s a sector that’s very hot right now, not just in the U.S., but globally, because it could be the answer to some major problems in our current food systems. The livestock industry is responsible for 15% of all greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, not to mention the transmission of zoonotic diseases, the massive amount of land it requires, and the inherent animal cruelty involved in making factory farmed slop. Cell-cultivated meat provides a possible solution to all of that, as well as an exciting economic opportunity. 

But DeSantis’ take? “We’re not doing that in the state of Florida.” As for Ivey, she hasn’t made a statement yet, perhaps because the internet went bananas over DeSantis’ decision. It doesn’t come as much of a surprise, given that politicians have been working on legislation for months. It’s not just Florida and Alabama. Tennessee isn’t far behind, with a bill to ban the cell-cultured meat industry currently floating through the legislature. Arizona and Texas have laid down incredibly tight restrictions on the kind of language and labeling that cell-cultivated meat companies can use in the marketing and sale of their products. Meanwhile, a senator from Nebraska (a major cattle ranching state) has tried pushing for this at the federal level. Republicans, at least those in the southern half of the country, have made it clear they want nothing to do with slaughter-free meat.

I agree that lab grown meat does not sound very tasty but did they need a legislative session to ban it?  I told you the South was run by idiots.

I saved the best story for last….since Sue has been fighting cancer for about 4 years now I am always looking for news about treatment and such…..this one is very promising….

Proteomics, meaning the study of proteins, isn’t exactly a household word, but it’s a field of research that could someday save countless lives. Cancer Research UK says a study it funded found that proteins linked to cancer can be found in people’s blood more than seven years before the disease is diagnosed, suggesting cancer could be stopped before it develops. Researchers looked at blood samples from more than 44,000 people in the UK Biobank database, including 4,900 samples from people who were later diagnosed with cancer, the Guardian reports. Cancer Research UK says follow-up research will look at the roles the proteins play in cancer development—and at which drugs can stop them.

Researchers analyzed 1,463 proteins in each blood sample. They found 107 that changed at least seven years before a cancer diagnosis. Another 182 changed at least three years before diagnosis. The proteins were linked to 19 types of cancer, including lung, liver, and colon cancer, as well as blood cancers. “This research brings us closer to being able to prevent cancer with targeted drugs—once thought impossible but now much more attainable,” says researcher Karl Smith-Byrne, a senior molecular epidemiologist at the University of Oxford.

A second study, also funded by Cancer Research UK, looked at data from more than 300,000 cancer cases and identified 40 blood proteins linked to the risk of developing nine types of cancer. Mark Lawler, a leading cancer researcher at Queen’s University Belfast, says that while much research remains to be done, the findings are impressive, the Guardian reports. “Finding evidence of cancer before it has manifested itself clinically provides a critical window of opportunity to treat with a greater chance for success, or even more importantly to achieve the holy grail of preventing cancer before it can even occur,” he says.

Finally something for a little fun…..

What is the longest word in the English language?

Forget antidisestablishmentarianism:

 If you can find a way to work pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis into a conversation, congratulations! You’ve just managed to use the longest defined word you’ll find in any dictionary in everyday chatter. But also: We hope you’re feeling OK, as the 45-letter word is a disease that causes an inflammation of the lungs due to the inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust.

At least, that’s what it’s supposed to mean. The word was coined in the 1930s, probably by the president of the National Puzzlers’ League, “in imitation of polysyllabic medical terms,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary, “but occurring only as an instance of a very long word.” In other words, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was a word created simply to be long.

That is the dump for this Saturday….I do hope that I informed and/or entertained my readers.

Go outside and enjoy a Spring day and as always….Be well and Be Safe….

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

More On Those ‘Outside Agitators’

This ought wrinkle a few of the dullards that keep passing on crap as fact about the protests going on across the US…..they will not pay attention for this does not feed their ignorance.

I recently wrote a post about the accusation of those ‘outside agitators’ that conservatives and their lackeys keep trying to convince the nation exist.

For those that could not spare the time before maybe you can find a bit here…..

Those Damn ‘Outside Agitators’!

Groups have been watching these protest besides the media and people looking to start shit with lies….all that violence that is being blamed on ‘outside agitators’ is almost non-existent….that’s right dimwits….these are not violent….

Just over a week after U.S. President Joe Biden defended police crackdowns on dozens of anti-war protests on college campuses by declaring that students don’t have “the right to cause chaos,” a new analysis on Friday showed that nearly all the campus demonstrations have not been violent at all—and many that have descended into violence did so due to police interventions or aggressive counter-protests.

The Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) examined 553 campus protests that took place across the U.S. between April 18-May 3 and found that fewer than 20 resulted in serious violence or property damage—meaning that 97% of the protests remained non-violent.

The group categorizes demonstrations as violent only when “physical violence that rises above pushing or shoving” takes place or when property damage includes protesters “breaking a window or worse.”

ACLED’s latest analysis comes after a previous study released May 2, which found 99% of campus protests in the first days of the burgeoning student-led movement against Israel’s assault on Gaza had remained peaceful.

In the latest report, analyzing the 3% of protests that became violent, ACLED found that at half of those students clashed with police who had been sent in to clear the peaceful student encampments—which should have been allowed to proceed unimpeded according to Biden’s speech about the protests on May 2, in which he said, “Peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how Americans respond to controversial issues.”

From the point of view of the protesters…..cops in riot gear would be an outside agitator…..but most are too numb to crap to see what I am talking about.


But Wait!

I think we may have identified those ‘outside agitators’ (sarcasm in case you missed it)

VFP members were present at the initial rally of about 200 people at Metropolitan State University of Denver, Auraria Campus, in Colorado on April 25 (photo above right). Since then, at least 40 students arrested. A VFP flag can be glimpsed in this local news clip. Thanks to Tina Jayroe for this report.

Members of VFP Chapter 125 rallied and marched in solidarity with 1500 others on the Emory University campus in Atlanta, Georgia (crowd shown above left) on April 26, the day after Emory President Fenves called in goons from the Atlanta Police and Georgia State Patrol who brutalized students and faculty, arresting over 50 people including the head of the Philosophy department. The next day, chapter members Marcone Canguso and Geoff Sumner appeared on WRFG’s Beyond Borders show to talk about the Emory University protests and unprovoked violence against students and faculty, “and the relevance of waging peace in today’s increasingly dishonest and cowardly environment.”

VFP members Craig Bardo and Tom Grose on Vanderbilt University campus in Nashville, Tennessee, on April 27. The veterans came to support the students who are camping out there.

Washington, D.C. VFP Chapter 16 member Mike Marceau is quoted in the online live encampment coverage posted by the GW Hatchet, an independent student paper serving the George Washington University community. He visited the encampment on May 4, its tenth day. Mike explains, “I told the crowd that I was a Vietnam veteran, that their peaceful action reminded me of the actions in the late ’60s, and that I was proud to stand with them as they spoke out against the Israel genocide and war crimes.” Read the GW Hatchet post HERE.

VFP?  Veterans For Peace.

But not to worry the idiots in the GOP and those that listen to the manure and pass it on as fact will be asking for an investigation…..

A House committee announced it was launching an investigation into 20 groups it claims are behind the campus protests against US support for Israel’s war in Gaza. In a letter to the Treasury Department, the members of Congress requested documents on the organizations while smearing them as antisemitic and pro-Hamas. 

On Tuesday, The Committee on Oversight and Accountability and the Committee on Education sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Janey Yellen requesting “All Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) generated in connection to the following organizations, or any known officer or employee thereof.” 

The list of 20 groups includes Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace IfNotNow, Open Society Foundations, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and People’s Forum. Some of the organizations are Jewish-led.

I say investigate but make it all sides for instance how much cash flows to those calling for this from AIPAC…..and stop calling the protests pro-HAMAS or antisemitic they are neither.

This will be just another waste of time and taxpayer money….something the GOP is very good at doing with their time in DC…..but this time there will be Dems that go along with the bovine fecal matter.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

More From The Front Lines

Ukraine is still going strong and now the Russians are making a bit of progress in the East….there a few stories that we probably will not see about the backroom BS in this war.

Recently $3 billion was sent to Ukraine from the EU… is the response….

A Ukrainian official has said that an EU plan to provide Kyiv with up to 3 billion euros ($3.2 billion) per year for military aid amounts to “almost nothing” in the context of the war.

EU ambassadors agreed to use profits generated by frozen Russian Central Bank assets to purchase up to $3.2 billion worth of weapons for Ukraine annually, but Ukrainian Justice Minister Denys Maliuska told POLITICO last Thursday that Ukraine needs “hundreds” of billions.

“If we are talking about the needs of Ukraine and the needs of the war, military and non-military, 3 billion euros is actually almost nothing— we need hundreds of billions in order to win the war,” Maliuska said. “It’s a good first step.”


What bullsh*t!

Maybe a thank you but it may not help…..would have been a better response.

The recent success that Russia has had in the East according to Zelensky is the fault of ‘the world’…..

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkiv oblast on Thursday and blamed the Russian offensive in the region on “the world” for not sending enough weapons.

He referred to the delays in Congress passing a $61 billion Ukraine aid package, which was authorized last month. “Brigades are not totally equipped because of the package, which we waited through for eight months,” he told ABC News.

When asked if what’s happening in Kharkiv is America’s fault, Zelensky replied, “It’s the world’s fault. They gave the opportunity for Putin to occupy. But now the world can help.”

While Zelensky blamed the Russian success on weapons shortages, Ukrainian soldiers have said there were no proper fortifications despite intelligence that showed Russia was amassing troops on the border of Kharkiv.

“There was no first line of defense. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. They just walked in, without any mined field,” Denys Yaroslavskyi, a commander of a Ukrainian Special Reconnaissance Unit, said earlier this week. “Either it was an act of negligence, or corruption. It wasn’t a failure. It was a betrayal.”


I am sick of this arrogant tool.  Be thankful for any and all help….he is trying to bully the world into what he wants….he can go suck a mule in my book.

Since Zelensky blames us all for his failures he now thinks that NATO should send in troops ‘for training’…..

Ukrainian officials have asked NATO countries to send troops to Ukraine to help train 150,000 new recruits, The New York Times reported on Thursday.

The report said NATO countries are “inching closer” to sending trainers, which would mark a significant escalation and risk direct war with Russia. A small number of NATO special operations forces have been inside Ukraine — 97 as of March 2023 — but an open deployment to train a large number of Ukrainian troops would take things to another level.

The US and NATO had been training Ukrainian troops inside Ukraine before Russia’s February 2022 invasion. Since then, the training has been held in Germany and other parts of Europe, but Kyiv wants to shift it back inside Ukraine so the Ukrainian recruits can be quickly deployed to the frontlines. So far, the US has not agreed to the request, but it appears Washington is considering it.


Okay what happens if NATO troops are attacked in Ukraine?

This sounds like Zelensky is trying to set up a condition that might force NATO into direct conflict with Russia.

In other words Ukraine wants NATO to do their fighting for them.

I say nuts to them…..fight your own goddamn battles!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

The Court System is ‘Corrupt’

That is the statement made by the Speaker of the House Johnson….

Johnson, who is second in line for the presidency, called the court system “corrupt.”

While I seldom agree with much any Repub has to say these I will admit that I agree with his statement in general terms but do not agree with the substance of his statement.

You can see what I mean….

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson assailed the hush money case against Donald Trump Tuesday as an illegitimate “sham,” becoming the highest-ranking Republican to show up at court, embrace the former president’s claims of political persecution and attack the U.S. system of justice.

It was a remarkable moment in modern American politics: The House speaker amplifying Trump’s defense and turning the Republican Party against the federal and state legal systems that are foundational to the U.S. government and a cornerstone of democracy.

Johnson, who is second in line for the presidency, called the court system “corrupt.”

Outside the New York courthouse, he decried “this ridiculous prosecution that is not about justice.” He said, “It’s all about politics.”

In portraying the case against Trump as politically motivated, the Republicans are also laying the groundwork to dismiss its significance should the jury convict, and for potential challenges to the fall election, a rematch with President Joe Biden, a Democrat

Johnson was a chief architect of Trump’s efforts to challenge the 2020 presidential results ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, mob assault on the U.S. Capitol, and last week he called the hush money trial and the other election-year cases against Trump a “borderline criminal conspiracy.”

Recent news from the courts points to rampant corruption with favors showered on the judges….so I agree with Johnson that he court system is corrupt and can be bought.
But that is what we get when we allow groups like the Federalists to give us political hacks as judges.
Personally Donald the Orange needs to be held accountable for everything he has done as he works against the very democratic foundations of this country.
But sadly the court system will remain just as corrupt as it is today or possibly become even more so in the future….time for a change in the system to make it a reliable referee of the federal system…..that is missing in today’s court.
I have spoken, It is written, so be it.
I Read, I Write, You Know
“lego ergo scribo”

Permanent War Footing

Since Biden took office I have been criticizing his war footing that seems to want the US to be on at all times.

His latest antic just reinforces my belief on the statement.

I am talking about the thing about TikTok and the cover it provided to strip out more taxpayer cash for the wars he wants in Ukraine and Israel and the one he stokes with Taiwan and China.

All this just smacks of the US being on a ‘permanent war footing’.

The White House is steering the United States into a budgetary ditch it may not be able to get out of.

The Biden administration is supersizing the defense industry to meet foreign arms obligations instead of making tradeoffs essential to any effective budget. Its new National Defense Industrial Strategy lays out a plan to “catalyze generational change” of the defense industrial base and to “meet the strategic moment” — one rhetorically dominated by competition with China, but punctuated by U.S. support for Ukraine’s fight against Russia and Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.

Instead of reevaluating its maximalist national security strategy, the Biden administration is doubling down. It is proposing a generation of investment to expand an arms industry that, overall, fails to meet cost, schedule, and performance standards. And if its strategy is any indication, the administration has no vision for how to eventually reduce U.S. military industrial capacity.

When the Cold War ended, the national security budget shrank. Then-Secretary of Defense Les Aspin and deputy William Perry convened industry leaders to encourage their consolidation in a meeting that later became known as the “Last Supper.” Arms makers were to join forces or go out of business. So they ended up downsizing from over 50 prime contractors to just five. And while contractors needed to pare down their industrial capacity, unchecked consolidation created the monopolistic defense sector we have now — one that depends heavily on government contracts and enjoys significant freedom to set prices.

There are risks for the Biden ‘permanent war footing’ thing….and the risks could be catastrophic…..then there his opponent Trump his policies would only make things worse (if that is possible)….

There is no daylight between presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump on the permanent war economy. Both tout the weapons industry as a source of jobs, jobs, jobs for Americans, never mentioning that the billions of government dollars flushed through the military-industrial complex could go for other things. Think universal health care, free higher education or maybe just the green economy – if money spent on what Politico called Bombenomics went to producing solar panels and wind turbines, we’d have jobs AND a planet not heating up at warp speed. Sadly, our two presidential contenders never met a weapon system they didn’t like. And as recent history repeats – if you spend all your cash building tanks, guns and bombs, they’re gonna get used.

Even worse, the U.S. MIC compels other countries to beef up their militaries. Take Russia. Before invading Ukraine, Moscow’s weapons industry puttered along, as did military conscription, but as soon as the Kremlin realized that it had no peace partners in the west or in Ukraine – a revelation that dawned on Moscow when then British prime minister Boris Johnson sabotaged peace talks between the two opponents in spring 2022 – things changed. Russia put itself on a war footing, so that now its industrial military base hums along, churning out tanks, hypersonic missiles (which the West lacks), rockets, guns and don’t forget nuclear bombs. Russia also placed tactical nukes in Belarus.

Let’s get real…..the War Department gets $900 billion and the rest of the country scrambles for the crumbs that the M-IC will allow Congress to give.

This whole scenario is becoming ridiculous!

We do not need more and more war….what we need is to rebuild the Middle Class and tighten up our infrastructure….war will not accomplish anything but wasted lives and money.

I know….some think that it is a hopeless cause to rant on and on…..but to me the only cause that will do the most damage to our country is those that rollover and play dead and do nothing but hide in the shadows.

I want my country to thrive not bogged down in countless misadventures of war.

I have spoken so it is written

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

A “Post-Birth Abortion”


I would like to point out that there is already on this….it is called murder…..or if you need the official academic term it is infanticide.

A post-birth abortions is murder, right?

This stupidity came out of the mouth of a person who personifies stupid, Ron DeSantis.

Republican presidential candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said in a recent interview that some states allow abortion after an infant has already been born.

CNN host Jake Tapper asked DeSantis whether he would support a federal abortion ban as president. DeSantis, who signed Florida’s contested six-week abortion ban in April, said he would be a “pro-life president,” but gave no direct answer.

“In some liberal states,” he said, “you actually have post-birth abortions and I think that’s wrong.”

Some on social media thought DeSantis misspoke, but the post-birth abortion claim is something that Republicans and anti-abortion activists have repeated for years, before the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

The claim was wrong then, and it is wrong now: Willfully terminating a newborn’s life is not legal in any state.

When asked for evidence to support his claim, a DeSantis campaign aide pointed us to two resources, neither of which established that states sanction killing newborns.

One was a press release outlining Republican support for a bill advocates say would require infants get medical care after attempted abortions. Opponents say the new bill is redundant under the “Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002.

The other was a webpage from the Charlotte Lozier Institute, an anti-abortion organization, that explored cases in which it said abortion attempts failed and babies were born. But it contained a number of irrelevant or erroneous citations. For example, one 2018 study that it cited referred to second-trimester abortions in Europe, not the U.S., and found that half resulted in live births, with most babies dying within minutes. The study’s authors said the abortions were sought because of anomalies or genetic abnormalities. The gestational age represents a range when many fetuses cannot yet survive independently.

What sort of moron believes this shit?

NO one advocates the killing of newborns….NO ONE!

Infanticide is illegal in all 50 states… case you are an idiot.

These anti-choice people will make up shit and have it become everyday….this has been picked up by another Floridian, Marco Rubio, another drooling half-wit.

This is pure bullshit….like everything else that comes from the mouth of a Republican. and the supporters that buy into manure.

When characterizing a Repub all I can say is….’ignorance in and stupid out’.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Philippines, Japan, Australia–Oh My

Meanwhile back at the South China Sea.

The US is paranoid about the South China Sea and has set aside billions for Taiwan and the waters around the island.

The US held a meeting and made a new pact…..

The US has been working to increase military cooperation with the Philippines, Japan, and Australia as part of its strategy against China in the Asia Pacific, a grouping Pentagon officials privately call the “Squad,” Bloomberg reported on Friday.

The defense chiefs of the US, the Philippines, Japan, and Australia met in Hawaii on May 2 and issued a joint readout that used harsh rhetoric against China’s claims to the South China Sea and the East China Sea, two areas where the US has vowed to intervene if the maritime disputes turn into shooting wars.

“The Ministers and Secretaries expressed serious concern about the situation in the East and South China Seas,” the readout said. “They strongly objected to the dangerous use of coast guard and maritime militia vessels in the South China Sea. They reiterated serious concern over the PRC’s (People’s Republic of China) repeated obstruction of Philippine vessels’ exercise of high seas freedom of navigation and the disruption of supply lines to Second Thomas Shoal, which constitute dangerous and destabilizing conduct.”

They also vowed to increase military cooperation, including in the South China Sea. “The Ministers and Secretaries discussed opportunities to further advance defense cooperation, including through continued maritime cooperation in the South China Sea, enhanced procedures to enable coordination and information sharing arrangements, as well as strengthening capacity building,” the readout said.


The US has repeatedly vowed that the US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty applies to attacks on Philippine vessels in the South China Sea. Similarly, the US has affirmed that the mutual defense portion of the US-Japan Security Treaty would apply to the Senkaku Islands, Japanese-controlled islands in the East China Sea that are also claimed by China.

I have to ask….does that Mutual Defense thing about Filipino vessels extend to derelicts?

I ask that simple question because of something I read……

Earlier this month, President Biden asserted that US support for the Philippines is “ironclad.” A new story in the Washington Post explains how that promise might be tested in the not-too-distant future thanks to a rusting warship.

  • The ship: The BRP Sierra Madre belongs to the Philippines, which deliberately ran it aground on the Second Thomas Shoal in 1999 in order to stake its claim to an outpost in the disputed South China Sea. The ship is no longer seaworthy, but Philippine military vessels routinely bring supplies out to the Filipino marines aboard.
  • ‘Asia’s next war’: Chinese military ships harass the Filipino supply ships with water cannons, and it’s a dangerous tactic, as videos show. If things escalate, or a Philippine service member is killed, that could trigger a US response under a 1951 mutual defense treaty, per the Post. The story describes the ship as a flashpoint that could lead to “Asia’s next war.”
  • Days numbered: The ship is destined to succumb to the elements, and it could be a matter of months, not years, according to an analysis in the Guardian. China accuses the Philippines of trying to rehab the ship to make it a permanent fixture on the atoll, which the Philippines denies. China maintains an outpost on the nearby Mischief Reef, and would likely try to claim Second Thomas Shoal as part of its ever-expanding dominance of the sea.
  • One proposal: The Philippines and the US should act before the ship disintegrates, writes Blake Herzinger at War on the Rocks. “The Philippines should remove the Sierra Madre and replace it with a permanent structure manned by combined rotational forces from both the Philippines and the U.S. Marine Corps,” he writes. “Such a forward operating base would be a powerful signal of commitment to the alliance for both nations.”

Cool!  We could actually go to war over some piece of junk stranded on an atoll because some country wants to clai8m it as theirs….is that about right?

This is just sick!  Nay it is DISGUSTING!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Food Prices Are Too Damn High

If you shop for groceries these days then you are already mumbling that mantra……prices started accelerating during the pandemic…..prices shot up and stayed up….

U.S. grocery prices jumped significantly after the federal government issued lockdown guidance in March 2020 in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. 

Shutdowns across the globe, instituted to curb the spread of the virus, caused disruptions in shipping food from producers to manufacturing facilities to warehouses and supermarkets and restaurants.

Prices first began to surge in April 2020, but the biggest increases came in 2022, as inflation started to erupted and the Federal Reserve tightened monetary policy. These, plus a confluence of other factors, led to the biggest food-price increases in decades.

Here are the four biggest causes for the food prices to shoot higher.

I am old so I can step back in history and remember when a pound of sugar was 19 cents, a loaf of bread was about 25 cents, a head of cabbage was less than a quarter and a pound of hamburger was less than a dollar….but those memories are worthless these days just something to bitch about, right?

Okay let’s look at the prices….say since the last election in 2020…..

If you feel like your trips to the grocery store have been putting a bigger dent in your wallet lately, you’re not imagining things. Food prices in the United States have risen significantly over the past few years due to high inflation.

During the last federal election on Nov. 3, 2020, food inflation was running at just 3.9% annually. Fast forward to March 2024, and the latest data shows food prices have risen a whopping 25.8% since then. To put that in perspective, a basket of groceries that cost $100 in November 2020 would now set you back $125.80. That’s an increase of nearly $26 for the exact same food items.

The biggest price hikes have been for specific grocery categories like eggs, dairy products, cereals and baked goods. But price rises have impacted all food groups across the board.

The inflation data shows egg prices were among the worst hit, with the average price soaring 54% from November 2020 to March 2024. So if a dozen eggs cost you $2 at the election, that same dozen eggs would now average around $3.08.

Dairy products like milk, cheese and butter also saw major price hikes over the past 3.5 years. Milk increased 36%, with a $3 gallon now costing $4.08 on average. Cheese and butter prices jumped around 30% over that period.

The price of cereals and bakery products, like bread, rolls, crackers and cookies, wasn’t far behind — rising around 28% since November 2020. So a $4 box of cereal back then would now cost you about $5.12 on average.

The cost of meat, poultry, fish and eggs collectively rose 23.5% since the last election. Beef prices were up around 20%, with chicken increasing over 25%. So $5 worth of ground beef in 2020 would now average $6.

For fresh fruits and vegetables, the price hike averaged around 21% over that 3.5 year period — a $3 pound of apples in November 2020 would now typically cost you $3.63.

hile overall food inflation started gradually pulling back after that August 2022 peak, prices have remained stubbornly high for most grocery categories compared to pre-COVID-19-pandemic levels.

So while the latest 2.2% annual food inflation rate for March 2024 seems more manageable, it doesn’t negate the cumulative 25.8% increase in grocery prices since that November 2020 election. And it remains to be seen if that downward trend in food inflation will continue in the coming months.

That is just since the last election, 2020, and now the grapevine has been setting the consumer up for higher meat prices with the accusation that swine and beef may be infected with bird flu.

This is a never ending thing… prices go up and seldom come down….maybe there should be some sort of speech from the president on the handling of food prices…

Just a thought!

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Ukraine Update


Is there still a war going on there?

Yes there most certainly is a continuing conflict going on in Ukraine. You have not heard much about it because most people are so wrapped up in the Israel-Gaza thing to care the old hat conflict in Ukraine.

Let me give an update….

The Russian Defense Ministry said Saturday that its forces have captured five villages as part of a renewed ground assault in northeastern Ukraine. Ukrainian officials haven’t officially confirmed whether Russian had taken the villages, which lie in a contested “gray zone” on the border of Ukraine’s Kharkiv region and Russia. Ukrainian journalists reported that the villages of Borysivka, Ohirtseve, Pylna, and Strilecha were taken. Russia said the village of Pletenivka also fell, the AP reports. The Institute for the Study of War, Washington-based think tank, described recent Russian gains as “tactically significant.”

The renewed assault has forced more than 1,700 civilians residing in settlements near the fighting to flee, according to Ukrainian authorities. It comes after Russia stepped up attacks in March targeting energy infrastructure and settlements, which analysts predicted were a concerted effort to shape conditions for an offensive. Russia’s recent push in Kharkiv also seeks to exploit ammunition shortages before promised Western supplies can reach the front line and pin down Ukrainian forces in the northeast, keeping them away from heavy battles in the Donetsk region where Moscow’s troops are gaining ground, analysts said.

Russian military bloggers said the assault could mark the start of a Russian attempt to carve out a “buffer zone” that President Vladimir Putin vowed to create to halt Ukrainian attacks on Belgorod and other Russian border regions. Fears also mount that Russia might be able to cut supply routes and besiege Kharkiv, a city of 1.1 million, per the AP. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed Friday evening in a video on X that Russian forces were expanding their operations. He called on the country’s Western allies to ensure that promised deliveries of military aid swiftly reach the front lines. “A package that truly helps is the actual delivery of weapons to Ukraine, rather than just the announcement of a package,” he said.

As this conflict wears on we should ask the question with all the investment by the West….can Ukraine win this thing?

The long-awaited counteroffensive last year failed. Russia has recaptured Avdiivka, its biggest war gain in nine months. President Volodymyr Zelensky has been forced to quietly acknowledge the new military reality. The Biden Administration’s strategy is now to sustain Ukrainian defense until after the U.S. presidential elections, in the hope of wearing down Russian forces in a long war of attrition.

This strategy seems sensible enough, but contains one crucially important implication and one potentially disastrous flaw, which are not yet being seriously addressed in public debates in the West or Ukraine. The implication of Ukraine standing indefinitely on the defensive—even if it does so successfully—is that the territories currently occupied by Russia are lost. Russia will never agree at the negotiating table to surrender land that it has managed to hold on the battlefield.

That is just sad.

One year ago, all signs were encouraging. Ukrainian forces had been bloodied, but they held on to territory in the east in defiance of expectations. Successful counteroffensives allowed Ukraine to regain territory in the south. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy defiantly declared the coming year one of “our invincibility.” American aid to the country offered a king’s ransom in artillery and anti-tank weapons through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, and the flow seemed unceasing.

Inspired by Ukraine’s stunning success against the much larger and more advanced military, the West galvanized behind Zelensky and his troops. Tragically, all these indicators led to unrealistic expectations.

Ukraine can no longer win

No one wants the carnage to stop….the US has elections….Russia is obstinate….the rest of NATO waits for the US to act….the rest of the world has stopped caring….

It is a dilemma that the Ukrainians are paying for with their lives.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”

Biden’s Grip Is Still Slipping

Most people seem to not give a crap how this election is going…..most have made up their minds or should I say resigned themselves to one way or another……they just shrug off all info in favor of some sort of epiphany that they have….

Biden is losing the voters that Dems have counted on for decades….the young, blacks and Hispanics….not a good sign at all…..

I wrote recently about Biden’s problem with the young voter……

More Crappy News For Biden

The most dependable bloc for Dems were blacks and Biden has successfully driven them away as well….all Biden’s antics to drive the political conversation away from the top stories of the day has fallen on deaf ears….unfortunately recent polls show Biden slipping into darkness.

President Biden is behind in most of the states that could decide the election, a new poll from the New York Times, Siena College, and the Philadelphia Inquirer suggests. Results in a head-to-head matchup in six states, all of which were won by Biden in 2020:

  • Pennsylvania: Trump 47, Biden 44
  • Arizona: Trump 49, Biden 42
  • Michigan: Trump 49, Biden 42
  • Georgia: Trump 49, Biden 39
  • Nevada: Trump 50, Biden 38
  • Wisconsin: Biden 47, Trump 45; the only swing state where Biden leads in this poll

Three key groups: The president’s numbers are lackluster among Black, young, and Hispanic voters. The two candidates are tied in the latter two categories, in contrast to Biden’s 60% pull in the last election, and while Biden has a big lead among Black voters, Trump’s 20% is relatively strong.

Inflation: A separate poll by the Financial Times hammers home how inflation in particular is damaging Biden—80% of voters list it as one of their biggest financial challenges. In this poll, 58% disapproved of Biden’s economic policies, up from 55% last month, and only 28% say Biden helped the economy.

May I suggest that people wake up and smell the manure in the races….if you ignore then all the bad predictions will indeed come to fruition…..and then you will have no one to blame but your lazy ass… you will have 4 years of BS and corruption….I believe we have had enough of that so I continue to pay attention and write.

I Read, I Write, You Know

“lego ergo scribo”